Sunday, September 11, 2011

Begin Again

I was having the worst day.
Everything I did was wrong and a supreme failure.
I went to the mail box the collect my bills when I saw them. Two colored envelopes.
I put all the bills to the side and held the two obvious cards. How did they know I would Need them today?
Card number 1 was from my mom. It was hysterical. It comically noted that after a cup of coffee I might have a personality. After 2 cups it might even be a good one!

I sat in my car laughing.

Card number 2 is from a special friend. I hadn't heard from her on paper in ages.

Her card?
It read, "You are on my mind today. (open the card)
Everyone else is on my nerves". I laughed until I cried.

One lousy day plus two cards from friends and I was renewed.

I gotta ask. Who's on your mind today? Take the time to handwrite a note or get them a card. Make sure you send it. Who knows? Maybe you will be the one to help boost their day...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Card #11

Y do I find the urge to write you a note and then blog about it? I think the easiest explanation is that I express myself best when I write. I miss you a lot. Funny. It's not even as though I've spent tons of time with you since I was a little girl... but miss you I do. It's amazing to me how often I think of you and spend time thinking about how I should let you know.
I am anxious to have the blessing of sitting and visiting with you again face to face someday. Oh, I know it is an impossible task at the moment... But some day.
For now, be confident that you are loved and missed.
I hope this year, the Lord blesses your socks off:).
Love and smiles,

Card #10

OK, I had your card written days before your birthday, but it got lost in my to do pile. I wanted to wish you a sincere happy birthday and surprise you with an old fashioned card, but now I feel behind the eight ball!!!
I hope that there is a day that we can visit over coffee/tea and catch up on life. I love that until now that I can keep up with you a bit through face book.
I pray for you and your family often and hope you walk through this year more blessed than you have ever been.

Card #9

You are one of those people I watch from a distance through casebook, hoping that there will be a day I am privileged to meet you face to face. I love your thirst for laughter and the passion that you use to adore your family. My heart melts for the love and passion you pour out on your special grandson... He is very blessed to have such a great grandmother and advocate.
I pray you are blessed beyond all measure!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Card #8

Wow, you made a challenging task doable! It takes a gift to be able to translate what I can see in my head into something that can be seen. I wanted to say thank you. If you ever need a recommendation, please let me know!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Card #7

It takes a special heart and passion to take an extremely personal interest in the lives of others... To bring comfort into a situation that can cause discomfort or even embarrassment. You have my solid recommendation.


Card #6

I cannot tell you how clearly the Lord sees you... He knows your thoughts, your fears, your hopes and your dreams. He loves you and wants you to trust Him through this season of your life. Your family loves and respects you as a person, the Lord loves you as His son...

The Lord wants to do something amazing in and through you...

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean NOT on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight".

Your sister,